A fluttering heart | Mat Hayman

Episode two of the Racing Heart podcast welcomes the 2016 Paris-Roubaix winner Mathew Hayman. Mat spent 19 years at the highest level of world cycling, including his amazing 2016 Paris-Roubaix victory - see footage of the race below. He’s joined by Dr André La Gerche to discuss heart palpitations, the challenge it poses for an athlete, how an athlete's heart evolves, and the research Mat is currently a part of.

Mat Hayman’s Paris-Roubaix victory

The content and views expressed in this podcast are general in nature and are not intended to address the unique circumstances of each individual. Please do not use this content as a substitute for a personal medical assessment. If this podcast raises questions for you about your own health please consult with your doctor.


Overcoming SVT | Georgia Baker


Sudden Cardiac Death | EP 1