COVID, vaccines and side effects | Dr André La Gerche

In this episode, Dr André La Gerche discusses COVID, vaccines, side effects and its impact on athletes.

The conversation in this podcast does not represent official medical advice and does not represent the official position of St Vincent’s Hospital, the Baker Institute or St Vincent’s Institute. Athletes and members of the community are advised to discuss their individual circumstances with their treating doctor. This podcast may provide some discussion points and is designed to raise awareness about COVID immunity, vaccination and some specific aspects related to sports participation. We are aware that some of the suggestions, particularly related to advice in those with mild vaccine related side-effects differ from some official guidelines. We are also aware that circumstances and evidence are changing rapidly and some of the content of this podcast may be validated with time or be proven incorrect. At the time of recording, this content in this podcast represents general advice provided by A/Prof Andre La Gerche and is designed to raise awareness of some important exercise-related aspects arising during the current pandemic. 

The content and views expressed in this podcast are general in nature and are not intended to address the unique circumstances of each individual. Please do not use this content as a substitute for a personal medical assessment. If this podcast raises questions for you about your own health please consult with your doctor.


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